Talent will get you in the door, but
character will keep you in the room.
Your decision to change careers can affect every dimension of your life. Our retail recruiters spend time getting to know you, your track record of success and your goals and aspirations. Each of our retail recruiters specializes in a segment of the industry, so you’ll be speaking with someone who knows your business.
Bayside Search Group keeps your personal information confidential and we will not present your information without first contacting you to determine if the opportunity is consistent with your career aspirations.
Over 70% of positions filled are because someone knew someone else. With Bayside Search Group, our business is people. We spend every day talking to the decision makers in the retail industry. Our personal network has hundreds of retail executives at our fingertips.
We’ll give you the truth about your prospects within the retail career marketplace. We’ll develop a personal “marketing plan” for you and negotiate a fair compensation package.
The Bayside Search Group is one of the country’s top-ranked retail search firms specializing in placing executives in top-level positions within the retail industry. Our retail recruiters excel in offering an effective search process to help candidates find the right career opportunity to meet their career goals.